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Website Content

There will be the homepage and three main sections: Healthcare now, Medicare for All, and what you can do.


  • The homepage will be one where you can scroll down. As the viewer scrolls I plan to put, in this order, a section of personal stories, quotes from credible sources, recent news, and some of the biggest supporters. These pages will give some background, credibility, and is meant to draw the viewer in.

Healthcare Now

  • This section will give information about what the current healthcare system looks like. It will show the audience the good and the bad.

  • This will be done through primary and secondary sources. The primary being a survey and the secondary being a mix of news articles and scholarly papers.

Medicare for All

  • This section will give context to what Medicare for all is and why it's important. This part is meant to convince people to support this plan, or give them more information if they already do.

  • This will be done with mostly news articles and I may include a primary resource such as an interview.

What you can do

  • This section will show audiences how they can do their part. This will also be mostly news articles and maybe some quotes from influential people.

  • Also here I will most likely include a multimedia element.

Overall the first purpose of my website is to draw the viewers in. Then I will give them context, persuade them, and show them how to take action. I believe this set up will be effective in advocating, and getting others to advocate for this issue.

Recent Posts

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Multimedia ideas

Multimedia element ideas. Organized by section and will add to this as time goes one. Healthcare now Infographic Cartoon about route of money video about spending in America (can be done with represen

Purpose Statement

I want to educate liberal leaning college-age students about health care and show them how they can support a medicare for all plan. I want to educate and persuade them in a concise manner, but I don’

Personal planning/organizing post

Topic: Medicare for all Purpose: To educate people about our current healthcare system, why medicare for all is important, and show people how to advocate for this topic. Educational info Show people

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