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Medicare for All Plan

A broad overview of implementing medicare for all.

How this would be done

  • It would be implemented over a 2-year period and would automatically enroll people. This first year would be for minors and adults over 55. The second year would involve everyone else.

  • Insurance companies would be barred from kicking people from their plans during the transition.

Current Health Insurance Industry

  • For current workers in the healthcare industry a portion of the multi-trillion dollar medicare for all package would be set aside for them. This would cover wage, benefits, job training, tuition (if new job is going to be taken), and other things like this.

  • Even though all the private insurance companies would disappear there would be many administrative jobs within the medicare program. This would be an outlet for the displaced workers.

National Nurses United. “Frequently Asked Questions.” Medicare For All, National Nurses United, 25 Jan. 2020,

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